Friday, June 17, 2016

Closing this chapter

I'm sorry this has taken so long to be written.  I haven't had much time since returning home to even process what a wonderful experience that the Best Buddies Challenge was.  Two days after returning home, a very close family friend passed away.  If that wasn't enough, two days ago my dad was admitted to the hospital with what looks to be gout.  Many many prayers to the family of Lynn as they grieve a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, friend, & person.  - Along with prayers to my parents as they deal with yet another medical issue.

Our trip started well - We flew out on Sun Country at 7am on June 2nd.  We had a smooth flight & everything went well with mom's oxygen.  As soon as we got our car, we headed up to Just In Time Cafe for lunch & Mom to finally meet the rest of the Kalligheri Family!  One bite of her chicken parm sandwhich & she was hooked.  After checking into our hotel, we drove up to Kittery & then through Costal Maine up to Kennebunkport.  We did some shopping there & headed back to the hotel.

The next day we took the T into Boston & walked around Faniuel Hall, the waterfront, & the North End (had to get Canollis) before Jeff - fresh off the red eye from California - picked us up for a personal tour of Boston.  He brought us back to our car & then headed over to Harvard University for the Best Buddies Challenge Football Game.  Mom got her first taste of Boston traffic & she wasn't impressed! (:

Once we finally got to the field, I ran to get my registration & mom & Jeff got seats for the game.  Mom was in heave as Pepsi was one of the title sponsors & it was all the free Pepsi she could drink (& fit into her purse).  The game was really a lot of fun.  Tom Brady was the quarterback for both teams.  Teams consisted of his teammates, celebrities, Best Buddies Participants & top fundraisers.  We enjoyed ice cream & great company.

After the game was over, we went to the Guy Fieri Tailgate event - where local chefs & Guy served food.  It didn't take long for us to completely stuff ourselves & decide it was time to head back to the hotel for an early morning drive to Cape Cod.

My first two mistakes for the challenge were already committed by this point.  Mom & I had walked 14,000 steps or about 7 miles each.  We also didn't get back to the hotel till probably 10am for a 5am wake up call.  As you can imagine, I didn't sleep well at the anticipation of the events.

It was a beautiful two hour drive down to the cape.  The event was right on the beach in Hyannis.  We got there about 7:45am & scoped out the festivities.  We also had time to walk the beach to get seashells before everyone started to arrive.

Jeff & his cousin Mike arrived shortly after.  I had Jeff do the honor of pinning my event number.  It wad a really special moment for me to take time to remember the reason why we were here.  

The race started at 9:30.  I lined up towards the back of the pack knowing I was going to be slow.  My feet were hurting & my body was tired.  It was awesome to see all the different people that were "competing".  

The weather was perfect though.  It was overcast & cool.  It made for a really nice 3 miles.  I finished just over 49 minutes. My goal was 45 minutes - but I will definitely take 49 with the lack of training the last month & the fatigue from the day before.

I've never competed in any event like this before.  It was awesome to see all the people cheering, my mommy taking pictures, & just feeling so much like I had accomplished something

The rest of the day was filled with food, a massage, & hanging out on the beach.  It was awesome to get to watch the bikers come in.  The first 100 mile bikers came in only like 4 hours after they left Boston. The day ended with a bucket list item.

The chance to meet Tom Brady.  Someone pinch me.  I still can't believe this happened.  It was super quick but he was super nice.  

Mom & I drove back to the hotel & I pretty much went right to bed.  I was exhausted.  

Sunday we rode the T back to Boston & took a trolley tour around the city, shopped, & got mom her shrimp she had be craving.  We were both pretty tired, so it was a pretty lazy day.

Monday brought checking out of our hotel which was sad for both of us.  We weren't ready to leave.  Then again - I never want to leave Boston.  We drove up to the cafe & another thing I had been waiting for finally happened.  I finally got the chance to have both my close friends & "brothers" in the same room.  It was a great send off to finally get to introduce Colton to Jeff.  

Jeff & I met by random chance almost 20 years ago & he's pretty much been my best friend ever since.  Jeff has dreams as big as this world.  16 years later, another random chance brought Colton into my life as he reminded me so much of Jeff.  Even though he lived in Alabama at the time, fate put him in Boston a year ago.  Our three worlds finally collided & it was awesome.  Of course, it was way too short & we were then on a plane home.

Thank you so much to all of those who believed in me & this cause.  Thank you for giving me an opportunity to help people & create memories with my mom. Thank you will never be enough- but in the next few weeks - you'll be hearing from me in a language of love directly from Justin.

This chapter has closed - but it's time to start writing another one.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


It's almost here.  I can't believe how fast the last 4 months have flown by.  There was a lot that has happened- crazy to look back & think of the craziness that has ensued.

I'm so happy that I was able to reach my fundraising goals & change the lives of so many people.  I'm grateful to give opportunities to those who never would have the chance - & I am most blessed by the over 40 people that chose to help me on this journey.  Thank you will never be enough to all of you.  When times were tough - you all keep me going!  Thank you for believing in me & this charity.  Thank you for helping me remember someone who was so dear to me & spread Justin's Love.

I'm also blessed to be able to share these next few days with my mom & take her somewhere she would have never had the opportunity to go otherwise.  It's been hard juggling jobs to pay for it, but it will worth it just to give her this.

Thank you for sharing in my journey so far.  It's definitely not over yet, but I'm writing the last few pages in this chapter. I'm anxious to see all it has to say!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Slowing Life Down

The last couple weeks have literally been crazyyyyyyy.  I literally haven't had a minute to breathe or do anything but eat, sleep, & work..... Repeat.

Glad those days are over & life has slowed down as of last night.  Today I completed my first full shift at my new job.  The last night shift was completed last night & Im looking forward to being normal again!  I'll miss all my coworkers but I'm so glad to be spending tonight with my husband.

The next 3 weeks will be exciting & I'm looking forward to getting back to training.  Working 12's had left me no time to time to head to the gym.  It felt good to get back there & get moving.  I'm not sure what I going be able to do at the challenge but I'm going to give it my best.

Thank you so much to Bill & Mary Basset, Al & Maggie Kuchenbaker, & Kraig & Judy Anthony for your donations.  I promise to give it everything I have in the next 3 weeks to make you proud!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

One Month Left

It's officially crunch time!  One month left today.  I'm excited & scared at the same time.  The next 30 days will be full of sheer chaos.  I have no idea what's in store - but I know who is leading my path.  That's all I need!

Fundraising closes May 20th.  I still need a little over $300 in donations to make my goal.  Thank you to Carolyn Geisel, Steve & LaNell LeClair, & Pete & Patty Semler for their donations.  It's such a blessing to me.  If you would like to donate, no matter how small, please visit

One month!  I better get running!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

New Beginnings

Whew.  I'm glad April is almost over.  It's been quite a month.  It's been a season of storms & changes in our lives.   But where there is change - there is always a loving God walking ahead of you clearing your path.

May will bring new jobs for both Jason & me.  It will bring some long hours for me as I'll be juggling 3 jobs for 2 weeks & adjustments to my training plan.  My final preparations for our trip to Boston & 5k.

It will be busy!  But finally - I see sweet light & I am forever thankful.

You know what they say - April Showers bring May Flowers!

Thank you for all your love, prayers, & support!  Special Thanks to Greg & Marge Danger for their donations.  I have a little over $400 left to go.  May 20th is the due date for donations.  

God is good.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

I will Praise You in This Storm.

It's not a news flash to anyone I've been struggling lately.  Things have been hard.  10 days ago, I busted out in a raging river of tears on my way home from work.  I felt like I've failed every thing & every one around me.  I was exhausted.  I prayed out to the lord & told him I couldn't possibly fall much further.

His response?  That's cute.  Now I'm going to really turn your life upside down.

I don't know his plan for our lives at this moment.  Never in my life could I have ever foreseen the blow coming from pretty much the last place I could ever expected.

But I trust in the plan God has for our lives.  I have to - because that's all I have at this moment.  

I have nothing left to give.  I'm physically & emotionally exhausted.  I don't think I have anymore tears possibly left to cry.  I've never hurt as much in my life as I've hurt in the past few days.

But I got hope.  I have hope in things to come.  Once I get over the hurt & anger, there is something better coming.  I have the hand of my best friend & a vow we made to better & for worse.

So I'm going to keep fighting.  I'm going to keep running.  I'm going to keep praising my God.  & im going to keep giving myself to serve others even when they are the same ones that have hurt me.  Because that's who I am.  & that's why I'm here.

Thank you to Tom & Carol Peterson & Greg & Lisa Fletcher for your donations this week.  You'll never ever know how much it meant to me in this dark week.

"I was sure by now God you would have reached down & wiped our tears away.  Stepped in & saved the day.  But once again, I say Amen & it's still raining.

As the thunder rolls, I barely hear you whisper through the rain, "I'm with you."  As your mercy falls, I raise my hands & praise the God who gives & takes away.

I will praise you in this storm.  I will lift my hands.  For you are who you are no matter where I am.  Every tear I cry, you hold in your hand.  You never left my side, though my heart is torn.  I will praise you in this storm." - Casting Crowns

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Happy Birthday Justin & Jeff!

I can't believe we did it.

We made the goal on Justin's Birthday. (& Jeff's too!)

There are no words that can fully describe the emotion of what this has meant to me.  I still can't grasp it.

Best Buddies now raises my goal to $2,500.00.  There are several people that have let me know they wanted to donate but haven't had a chance to.  Donations are accepted until May 20th.  Let's spread more of Justin's Love & help more people.

Thank you to those who made the last few dollars possible:

-Dennis & Kathy Lodin
-Ted Grob & Ted Grob Sales
-Lee & Inna Aldrich

I sincerely appreciate all the donations, love, & support.



PS: I logged my best mile & 2 miles today as well :)